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When Messi leads the car he is a driver for the traffic policeman
Speaking on the hadeeth: "People will not succeed and they will have a woman."
Unfortunately, 2018 at the door and the rest of the rest of the hammock of the value of "ass" and give him the ugliest qualities and insults
Life sometimes need to ignore .. Ignore events, Ignore people, ignore actions, ignore words, promise yourself to ignore
Married her from the city, educated and working, share with you the expenses of the house, and carry with you the burdens of time, not love as rumored, but money
The tyranny is still in their blood, and the dictatorship is still looming, the homeland is still killing its sons,
There is no country in the world that has not practiced terrorism, the roads are different and often differ in the most horrific way, for example
The vodka waiter gave me a vodka bottle of the bad kind, whispered to me with his lips without saying
I remembered bad classes that took place in my childhood in elementary school, of course
Honestly, I do not have any memories in the first and second grades, as I mentioned before, except the memory of the picture that my master picked me up
Even the so-called marriage, is the most types of slavery, but is a deception of the spirit,
Hurricane Jose is on his way to New York
The Arab story Arabic If Colonel Ben Dawood ...
The failure of education in Morocco
What was collected by the sons of Abbas in five centuries took Hulaco in one night ,,
what do you think?
Founder and leader of sociology in the world. He wrote in his famous introduction
Rebellion can not be political and political can not be revolting
السؤال الذي سنحاول أن نجيب عليه في مقالنا هذا هو : هل كان دريدا حقّاً فيلسوفاً ما بعد حداثيّ؟ وهذا السؤال سيقودنا منطقيّاً إلى سؤالٍ آخر
هل يمكن للفلسفة أن تساهم في فهم عالمها وتغييره؟ وإذا كان الجواب بالسلب، فلماذا الفلسفة إذن؟ ولماذا تستحوذ على عقول الكثيرين وقلوبهم بل وحياتهم
  أجمل تأويل لإشكال العلاقة بين الحلم والتّضحية في الإسلام إلى المتصوّف الأندلسيّ ابن عربيّ   فقد أدرج هذا الإشكال في إطار نظريّته عن "حضرة الخيال".