Speaking on the hadeeth: "People will not succeed and they will have a woman."

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Speaking on the hadeeth: "People will not succeed and they will have a woman."

The folly of some researchers and the rush of others

I do not know what the relation of a woman's victory to the presidential elections is related to the talk of Maulana Muhammad (peace be upon him): "People do not succeed even if they are commanded by a woman. Some of the sons of our skin are pushed to deny its meaning and try to claim that it is not from the Prophet.
I say: We do not claim that all that is stated in the book of Imam Bukhari is absolutely true, but this hadeeth from the Messenger of Allah is a news of his circumstances and the reasons for his return ... not legislation or religion. Faris's fate was the greatest proof of the accuracy of his judgment based on facts and events. African. Then if those suppliers that talk for no reason is convincing only to show what they think enlightenment ... They hired the evidence of the violation to discover the essence and deep meaning, do you see Sefleh people will give them a man ?? Any man is an evil ... ??
At that time, the Persians made a woman at the head of their rule ... just a woman ... an evil ... no experience or knowledge of governance ... and that was enough for the failure of their state and the unhappiness of their rule ... whatever woman or man is distinguished Or the sanctity of their ratios ... will not enrich in the field of governance with complex areas, something ... equal in that does not enrich the sex of one of them here something .... Women ruled women was their rule of the state and their people and the rule of men was their rule and the plight of all .. .. And peace be upon him that the people of Yemen governed by a woman has a great throne (a sign of the greatness of the rule and state) did not surprise it, but anger to disbelieve the people and misguided worship of the sun without the Him ....
O people ... researchers of the sons of our skin .... Honest on yourselves .... How much of the prosecutor of the veil obscures the light of truth, and how much of the prosecutor of modernity is weak mind confused vision ... The subject is not the origins of religion and assets Sharia, but it is linked to the issues of the world ... We know the time and place and events and personalities ..... And governance is not a single male or female ... but is an institution shared by the owners of the minds of the most powerful and strong wills and past foes ... The characteristics of God made it distributed to all male and female ... according to their gain and demand and take them by reasons of appearance and inner ...

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