When Messi leads the car he is a driver for the traffic policeman

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When Messi leads the car he is a driver for the traffic policeman

When Messi enters his home he is not Messi! He is a Pope for his children and a husband for his wife. When driving a car he is a driver for a traffic policeman. When he enters a supermarket he is a customer. When he reaches the stadium, he is a player who is obliged to respect the rules of the game. For example, he can not touch the ball with his hand. Basque will change the laws and what was forbidden in the football stadium may be allowed in the stadium rugby ...
Every place has its constraints .. And every person acting according to the job .. And jobs change every moment .. Messi father .. Messi husband .. Macy player, .. Messi businessman .. And within each job occupied by the personality changes the rules of the game ...
But in Morocco ... the story is different .. For example .. Commissar Commissar in the Commissariat ... Outside working hours is a commiser in the market and not a customer ... He is a commissar in the street and not a driver .. He is a commissier at home and not a husband ... even if he played Soccer will be a comicera avoid players blocked him and may leave him score and then applaud him ..
King belongs ... even when he does trade or owns a company .. He is a king and not a businessman .. When he enters the mosque is a king and not a serpent .. Never change the rules of the game for him and always treated as king ... A man can not pass Against him because he is a king and not a driver!

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