Life sometimes need to ignore .. Ignore events, Ignore people, ignore actions, ignore words, promise yourself to ignore

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Life sometimes need to ignore .. Ignore events, Ignore people, ignore actions, ignore words, promise yourself to ignore

t is said that a snake entered a carpenter's workshop after leaving in the evening in search of food. It was usually the carpenter to leave some of his tools on the table, including the saw. While the snake was wandering around here and there;
Her body passed over the saw, resulting in a simple wound. The snake was rubbed and repeated, and some saws tried to bite it, causing the blood to run around her mouth.
The snake did not realize what was happening, and I thought that the saw was attacking her, and when she saw herself inevitably dead, she decided to make a final, strong and dissuasive reaction, turning her whole body around the saw and trying to stifle him. The carpenter awoke in the morning and saw the saw and next to him a dead snake for no reason but to frown and anger .. !!!
Lesson: Sometimes we try in a moment of anger to injure others, Fndrk too late that we only injure ourselves ...
Life sometimes need to ignore .. Ignore events,
Ignore people, ignore actions, ignore words, promise yourself to ignore smartly is not all worth standing!
"God created people from water and clay" some of them overflowing clay, became a river ..
And some of them overcome the nature of water .. So became a stone.

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