Married her from the city, educated and working, share with you the expenses of the house, and carry with you the burdens of time, not love as rumored, but money

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Married her from the city, educated and working, share with you the expenses of the house, and carry with you the burdens of time, not love as rumored, but money

Once a friend called me "Hamo" to accompany him and accompanied him to the wedding of his uncle in a mountain village, the friend who invited me to the wedding of his aunt ten closer to my heart than the cord of the vein ..
I did not have to reject his invitation, but to invite him to introduce a lot of pleasure and joy into my heart, not for the wedding I see from my point of view a trivial ceremony, a ceremony I might say, when he divorced you three divorced couples will surely miss her later, of course agreed with joy, The name of the mountain village has aroused my interest, and it is even a good idea to break this routine, which has long been my time, and I have always been passionate about the clubs, it inspires me to stop the breath.
I will try to summarize a lot of events on you, forgetting the various chapters, the distance of the road, the moment of our arrival, and the great welcome we received from the people of my friend. I do not have to tell you about the generosity of the villagers. I hugged me with her trembling hands. She hugged me to her chest and kissed me. My mother's thumping screamed at me from the roof while he was repairing a string of electricity because of the damage to his pain. He waved his hand and said: "It is my grandmother, my grandmother, a narrator who told you about her in advance, and I replied to him A warm hug from its predecessor ..
A woman sits on a wooden chair with almost no menus, and with her hands adorned with henna, she shoves her breast. She has a shiny gold bracelet on her hands. She called me to help her. I immediately answered her. I did not even think about her. She asked me how many golden caftans she wore to the elbows. And I helped her in that, so that she could freely continue to milk the sheep, she invited me to sit next to her, we exchanged conversation, I remember that everything between us is a trifle trivial, some of which I do not remember recently, not our names, and the city from which I descended, And my relationship with the friend, "Hamo" .. For a moment there was silence between us, and a soft breeze to warm our faces, the eyes of Hungary In some of them, the eyelids of my eyes hit me in my death, we did not forget the lips of the lips, the milk burst out of the pot, the flow on the ground and spilled, the mouth was overflowing with beauty, and when we awoke from our drunkness, it was a feeling of nothing but a misty love. ..
I went up to the roof at Hamo. He was busy repairing the power cords, singing loudly with a loud voice. "Gil Jilala" was a beautiful night, the dogs barking from every direction.
I saw you how to look at her, and saw how to attract you to her, I know the purity of the pure, I know her more than the Faqih Himself, the question related to it is not it .. ?? I doubt that she is a married woman, and I almost doubt she is sure to be lost, her legs adorned with the heavy henna pattern, and I have no doubt that she is not married, Suggest that it is in the hands of a man ..
You told me that you know her, and this is not strange about me, but what is the matter of the jurist, which I do not understand, is his daughter, come tell me, tell me, his mother, his daughter .. ??
The silence of his father-in-law, an exhibition, took a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it between his lips. The smoke grew in the dark. Two men came into the house and walked across the yard, waving their hands to us, with an inaudible but understandable murmur. Your invitation, he is a pure husband, yes he is her husband .. Believe it if you want ...
I think without knowing how, how crazy like me to love a married woman, what luck is this I have, I sat on the roof, and my hands came back, my head towards the hands, As I watch the stars of the sky, the pure, pure stars appear to me in the stars, forming in the ring of the rings, scattering in a flash, slowly returning the ball, and I read its name in a night of food, the stars fade, back to their places, They saw their fifth in their time and I saw a pure in my time, I finally saw one, one of them, and the best adorned by the face of the moon, the Tao But the moon is adorned with a pure face, the cigarette's heat escaped his fingers, he threw it in a striking way to look, and then stepped on its mass with his man, happy look at me, I said to you, I see you. Her husband cursed her, her husband hated her, they lied to all of them, took a second cigarette from his pocket, and before he lit it, one of us called for us to go down to dinner. One of them was not pure but called my name, Sweet Sugar, her left eye winked at me, with a light smile from her gorgeous ...
The men's table in the corner of the spacious lobby with olive tree and jasmine in the center, mint filling the middle and saffron, while the women's table not far from the men's council, the pure hint of glances, how to look of the shawl, respond to me, look at the cold , He was a man in front of me, and he talked in everything, so God intervened in his affairs by saying that he was late in irrigating the earth with rain, he asked me the son of Akon, before the intervention of the grandmother "Hamo" .. She was standing near us, That I eat well, I claim that excessive modesty, nor shyness or shame in food, respond to the man who is warned, he is our son, a friend of his father, I took the thigh of a chicken and planted it in my bread, leaving a gift in front of the jurist, I noticed in his face that he did not like it at all, I noticed it from his face, which Irbid ..
I was promised that she would look for me for a clever woman who is skilled at cooking and proficient in the affairs of the house. If a non-married villager dies and dies according to her claim, the Faqih finally intervenes. "How do you want the son of the city to marry the village of Darwishah?" He added, "I have married her from the city, she is educated and working, she shares with you the expenses of the house, And carry with you the burden of time, not love as rumored, but money, and concluded his words that love goes in this time to Hell ..

Around midnight, the house is filled with joy over the wedding of tomorrow. The women are wearing their hands and feet with henna, and they are circling around the embers, and their legs are stretched over them to get the henna dry. A child begged another child to land, justifying that he cursed his mother and the men took up a council for them. , And prices and wheat, which has risen recently, while I, Hamo and Tahra, in addition to the son of his uncle Hamo, and sister, we have formed a ring in the middle of the grandmother, in the guest house, which takes a rectangular shape, the sky of the pillars and palm trees, and candlelight focused on a candle light, Do not tolerate high light electricity, She told us how she got married to the "Arab". Her late husband, whose eyes were full of tears when she remembered him, still kept his hunting rifle, hanging in the walls of her sleeping house, as a token of memory and affection reminiscent of her, I have married him and she has not finished yet from the spring of her life, eleven years, she did not even see it. At that time, the grooms did not see each other except at the moment of the night of the "Dakhla". Even the Arab did not know anything about it. To spend the grazing sheep at the foot of the mountain, and came to the house when he returned on the unusual, to tell him his father suddenly, that brought him a bride ..
The silence of our congregation, the shadow of the pure face on the whitewashed walls, the candle locked in the candlestick, melted slowly as my heart melted in the pure love, the glow of its glow, the grandma unleashed her laughter, until her mouth became so close to her, I felt the body trembling, believe that he had spent twenty years in the dark, did not see the Nahdi and did not see it in the dark. He saw my naked body, I was a young woman, I gave birth to fifteen children and I lost two N while Gbanni labor, and another died of tuberculosis because of me, while my baby died because of the navel, so she told me sorceress vertigo ..
The cold grew a bit cold, and we covered our legs with the cold, with a woolen blanket that had been brought to us by the sister of Hamo, only moments until a pure man walked to my feet, her leg on my soft, moist, warm feet, my feet above her foot. The language of the legs, a terrible feeling sweeping deep into my heart, is this love .. ??

He told me "Hamo" .. He hit me a date with the pure in the morning, it almost mad madness of the intensity of joy, finally will write the meeting, the happiest to myself, or grieve for her husband Faqih, Do you see lost my right, and remained my way, , And not thinking about the consequences that may not be punished, this is called treason, it is not betrayal in love, where there is no authority over the heart, what may be calculated by others with the pure betrayal, I see him love, and see it is also love, and we know Ahhasisna more than others, Ruling on love in treachery is easy to say, and when the act when you are suffering from its symptoms, a sense of its own justification is sacrificed ...
I was awakened by his mother after dawn, the weather was calm, we drank the stew cooked over the firewood, with a good pass and boiled eggs. Hamo told me that the pure woman was eagerly waiting for me in the other neighboring house. When I tried to drink it at once, I left it in the pot without finishing drinking it. I went to the place where we were buried. I stormed the mud without fear. I walked like a walking dog on the sand and swayed by the heat of the sun. A chicken at the abandoned corner of the house, and I was afraid of it, leaving dust flying, the two legs of the sea slipped Me, my ass Fastot directly with the ground, I note in every direction, as was the fear of what one has seen me, until I reached the lowest laughter strangled, not only the pure was her mouth with her hands obligation, Vkonha almost die from the intensity of laughter ..
She grabbed me from my hands, entered a long dark room, opened a thick wooden plank, opened a basement, a round curved building, knotted to one another, preceded by a clean, odorless smell.
We went down to the cellar, we sat on the hay, we lit the stove, we did not sleep with a lip, our lips clenched, our lips reddened, our eyes closed, and our spirit was unleashed in a narrow space where the cellar was our only refuge.
And the best refuge ... @

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