Founder and leader of sociology in the world. He wrote in his famous introduction

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Founder and leader of sociology in the world. He wrote in his famous introduction

Ibn Khaldun
Founder and leader of sociology in the world.
He wrote in his famous introduction
In the fourteenth century AD.
He says:
When countries collapse, many astrologers and beggars ...
Hypocrites and invitees.
And scribes and callers .....
Sung singers and poets.
And Almtasalkon and fought Mandel ....
Drummers and Drummers ....
And read the palm and the forefather and the ...
And the facilitators, the surgeons, the hygienists, the passers-by and the opportunists ...
Masks unfold and mingle what does not mix ..
Estimate is lost and the measure is bad .....
The meanings and words are mixed .....
Truth is mixed with lies
Jihad and murder .....
When countries collapse.
There is terror and people are taking refuge in sects.
Show wonders and rumor .....
The friend becomes an enemy
And the enemy to a friend ......
The voice of falsehood ...
The voice of the right ...
A suspicious object appears on the surface ... The faces of a woman disappear ...
Dreams are lost and hope dies.
The alienation of the wise is increasing
The faces are lost ...
And become a member of the tribe
More closely ...
And to the homelands hit the ravenous.
The voice of the wise is lost
In the noise of preachers .....
And auctions on the ..
And the concept of nationalism and patriotism
The Creed and the Origins of Religion .....
And the people of the House of the charges against the workers and betrayal ......
Rumors of a major escape
And mimics plots and plots .....
There is a lot of advice from far and wide ...
Initiating initiatives from near and far ..
And the able to manage his departure
And rich is his wealth ......
It becomes all
On alert and waiting .......
The situation turns
To the projects of immigrants .....
The country becomes a travel ...
And the parks in which we live
To Bags ......
Houses into memories
And memories to Tales .......
God bless you, son of Khaldun
Are you among us now ???
All we have and trust
Seven centuries ago

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