There is no country in the world that has not practiced terrorism, the roads are different and often differ in the most horrific way, for example

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There is no country in the world that has not practiced terrorism, the roads are different and often differ in the most horrific way, for example

Schizophrenia Terrorism ...
The killing of a human spirit is the ugliest and most terrible crime to which a human being may be subjected. Rather, he has no right to do so. He kills a Western, French or German man. States, and the headlines of terrorism top the front pages of the world's newspapers, the media as well as nothing but concern the subject of terrorism, and we are also Nend, our humanity prompts us to denounce the killing of human, but the human spirit swim in the pitfalls of class, killing blond terrorism, Nothing black, a trivial fly died and whoever cares about the subject here is not worth amplification People are dying everywhere, terrorism is not limited in the run, and not associated with a specific gender. Terrorism is not only what we are told in the audiovisual media. Terrorism is not a dress that only suits those who want it. Syria is also the death of a harvest machine, come on green and land, in Palestine as well as death for them and the reality of a pension, and in Yemen the enemy planes do not bomb the roses, but rain and a barrage of bombs, in Iraq the Tigris and the Euphrates and the valleys of blood, and in the Rohinga death became extinct, The new Hitler, the children are burning, and the women and men are slaughtered I do not hear those who are newly denounced, when they are allowed to be killed. Are not human beings like us, why is this universal coldness, is not this hypocrisy itself, is it not modern racism with new mechanisms?
France, Spain and Portugal have committed the worst crimes in Morocco, and the countryside is still paying the price and a cancerous disease due to their chemical violations. More than a million martyrs died in Algeria, in the blessing of France, in Libya, Italy, the children of day and night, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the massacre committed by Serbia. And the Holocaust, what Israel did in Jinin, Deir Qasim, Sabra and Shatila, and what the first pioneer of terrorism and promoter of "America" ​​did in the great people, the "American Indians." They massacred the land, human beings and civilization, exterminated civilization, as they did It is in Japanese cities The destruction of Hiroshima and Kazanaki and what is doing today Gulf Shield led by Saudi Arabia and help Morocco in the bombing of the people of Yemen defenseless .. And then the equipment of today's wars of warplanes, flies and intercontinental missiles and heavy weapons and machine guns are for .. ?? Are not those who claim to fight terrorism today, is it not for the sake of humanity that the hell of bombs is the same as the Nobel for peace ...
There is no country in the world that has not practiced terrorism. The roads are different and often differ in the most horrific way. For example, my country, Morocco, Hassan II did not practice terrorism, did not he create innocent lives, did not he order the firing of live ammunition on the martyrs of Komira? A child of two years of age, did not throw a whole family behind the bars of the prison for more than 15 years on a charge they have no hand in, is there no principle and does not cherish the burden of another button, is not the killing of torture a terrorist, unless the perpetrators are prosecuted ...
Even from the principle of religion, Christianity tells us
[So he said the Lord of the armies .. I will punish them .. The young men die by the sword and their sons and daughters die with hunger. ] In Judaism [justice is to kill the Jew with his hand infidel .. because the sheds the blood of the infidel offers an offering to God] [And if a man or woman, a jean or a subsidiary is killed .. Stones stoned. His blood on him »] In Islam [the Prophet was not to have prisoners until thickened in the ground ..] ....
Murder and crime are rooted in the human spirit, but deep in its mastery. The human being goes to destruction and annihilation. In every part of this earth many people die today, innocent and others. Millions of lives are harvested. The land has been washed with human blood since the first man was placed in this miserable world, The murder never stopped, but new laws were enacted today, indiscriminate murder of terrorism, murder of a self-defense and democracy organizer, and I wanted to know the Lord's court of human creation, creativity in the creation of scum creatures, they destroyed the sea and the land and even nature did not get rid of their crimes. They are now planning to invade space, the dream of moving bombs into space machines has become a matter Its time is not only, and will not rest until man destroys everything, nor wisdom in the creation of man Damar..oma I see only messes ... @

Said Zrigou

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