Theft of respect !!!

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Theft of respect !!!

Theft of respect !!!
There was a young thief steals the governor of the people and women handbags ... and so live ............
But the problem is that the police started you know, any theft in his area ... grab it
Police whether it is or not the thief and beaten and Itbhdl
He decided to leave his country because he no longer has to live there
And he decided to travel to America and turned to one of his friends ... and forges his Visa
He traveled there the first day and sat watching people where to put their wallets
Because it is new in the country and must Etroy
After three days of the first people watch stolen purse ...
And immediately arrested by a handsome man dressed wearing Luxury
Here, almost the thief to stand his heart and took tolerate from the man ...
He says: I did not mean to steal
He was in his mind that he was arrested by police
But the American man said to him: Fear not, I am a thief like you and you're watching you
I want you to work with me rejoiced young thief said: I'm ready
And he began the American side ... and he put his money to test him ... but the latter did not betray
His new friend, and after six months of training and after that documented American young thief
Said to him, today we will implement the first operation
And I gave him unequivocal Luxury and went to carry out the work and entered the Palace of key US has brought him
They entered the room that the Treasury and inspected and found safe and the US opened without breaking
And he took out the money and sat on the chair and told the young thief: Bring us playing cards
Astonished and said: Let us flee now and play in our house, but the US Nahra
He said: I am the leader. Do as I say and actually brought playing cards and started playing
But the American said to him: Open registrar aloud
And actually open Registrar and raised his voice but he was not convinced ... has been confirmed that they
Inevitably be arrested
During the young thief thought the owner of the palace was attended by the pistol in his hand
He said: What are you doing, my thieves
But the US did not care ... and said to his companion: Complete the play does not care about him
And actually completed their play ... but the owner of the palace contacted police
The police came
His palace said to them: These thieves stole the safe ... and these are funds
They had stolen in front of them, he said US police:
This man is lying has called us here to Nalb him has already played and won it
Since losing his money pulled out his gun and said,
.. Give me places Mali, either call the police and say you are thieves
We looked at the officer and three Ojaddalkaos and the subject of money on the table
The music they play is indifferent examination that the owner of the palace lies the officer said to him:
You play ... When you lose contact us
The promised again ... Ormak in prison
The officer wanted to leave ... but the US stopped
And said to him, sir, that went out ... and let us ..kd killing us.
Thieves came out of the house Bhamaihacharth

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