One young man says:

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One young man says:

One young man says:
Disagreement between me and my mother happened until he reached the board votes, and was in the hands of some academic papers threw it on the desk and I went to my bed and worry and God Tgshy on my heart and my mind ..
And I put my head on the pillow as usual whenever Othagltinay worries where I find that sleep is better inevitable ..
I went out the next day from the university
I brought out my mobile and the gate of the university, wrote a message Odaab the heart of my mother was compassionate, which I wrote:
"I heard that the soles of the human foot Allen and smoother than the face of it does authorize me Kdmkm make sure that the validity of this argument Bhevcaa?"
I arrived home and opened the door I found waiting for me in the hall and her tears on her cheek ..
She said: "No I will not allow you to kiss my feet,
But the argument Vsahihh, have been confirmed so when you accept your feet inward and outward day that I was young. "
Vvaaaaadt my eyes with tears ..
They will leave days by order of our Lord .. Vtqrbwa them before Tvkaddohm though they had deported them and claimed Fterhmwa

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