The officer questioned the Italian Omar Mukhtar see what he said

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The officer questioned the Italian Omar Mukhtar see what he said

The officer questioned the Italian Omar Mukhtar see what he said


The officer asked him: Do you fought the Italian state ...?

Omar: Yes

Will people be encouraged to fight?

Are you aware of the death Maflt?


You are acknowledge what she says?


For how many years have you been fighting the Italian authorities?

Tracked from 20 years

Do you regret Maflt?


Do you realize that you would cull?


-vicol Court judge him:

I'm sad that this will be your end

-verd Omar Mukhtar:

But the best way to conclude by my life ...........

Judge -faihol that he is condemned to lure him in exchange for a general amnesty to write to the militants to stop Jihad Italians

-vinzer His life and says his famous:

(The index finger which is witnessing in every prayer that is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God, can not you write the word void)

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