About Gin

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About Gin

About Gin:
"1" There is a demon named "Cradle" devil imprisoned thousands of years ago because it does not recognize waswaas, but murder and was showing before the people carelessly!
"2" if I woke up tired even though you have grown too early for long hours, Vhz indicates that you did not sleep alone that night was someone beside you!
"3" Some girls are treated dolls on it is real, it is possible to pay attention doll displaces when you think about them!
"4" may be one of the jinn in love and be located around you throughout the day to stay close to you, and shows you in a dream, the one your friends body!
"5" consort does not sleep, but walking around the room you sleep in which was signed something intentionally when he feels bored and Aoukdk middle of the night if he feels lonely!
"6" in the event of Jathoom (Aljzmh), the best way to end it is to move the muscles of the face, eyes and move to the other hand!
"7" when the girl is going back and forth in front of the mirror in her room cross-sectional charms, they would be vulnerable to "love gin" God forbid!
"8" had to learn that the jinn appear in the home in the form of shades of black or white, or shades of the people as children may hear voices in the house Kabakh or laugh or cry, this is to disguise attracted you to them!
"9" The human brain has the ability to sense someone staring at you, even if you're sleeping, if I thought one of those around you, and Astiqdt terrified or suddenly I felt as if someone next to you to do you think it is a dream, but woke up immediately and read the Koran!
"10" There are those who are watching you every night while you sleep and will choose a night of those nights to wake you cry! God forbid.
"11" when you are in the toilet after midnight, do not look to the windows, or a bowl of water formed where you someone great Just because there is a creature watching you!
"12" in Morocco jinn exist in abundance, it is time to sleep and waking from a bad mood, you should stay away from the toilet and dirty places.
All what I wrote mostly personal experience, there are those who do not believe in the second world, the jinn creatures mentioned in the Koran does not talk a ...
Fort yourself Balozkar a day and expect the worst Hahahahahaha

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