The Pueblo crisis in America to make an official apology to the "North Korea" to release the detainees

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The Pueblo crisis in America to make an official apology to the "North Korea" to release the detainees

The ship Uss Pueblo "and then seized on January 23, 1968 by the" Korean armed forces "on the coast of the city," Wonsan "Korean after storming" the territorial waters of North Korea "was surrounded by two submarines and four missile boats and two MIG-21 .. Called the "Pueblo crisis." The detention of the ship and its crew was considered humiliating insult to "America" ​​and also a fatal blow at the time when the ship contained espionage systems and encrypted communications. "Korea" sought a spy from the "Soviets" Encryption and reverse engineering of communications devices in it .. And thus became contacts US Navy Open until the mid-eighties ..
During the detention of the ship and the crew, one soldier was killed and 82 soldiers were captured for 11 months. The United States was forced to make an official apology to North Korea for the release of the detainees after it initially claimed the ship was on a "research mission" But some of them have raised the middle finger of the camera as "a disgraceful movement" (as you can see in the pictures below) and Ohmu Koreans as a sign of good fortune in Hawaii. But the scourge of the scourge after it became clear that the spread of images in the newspapers of the world's hands A few years later, the ship suddenly disappeared from the US satellite images of Wonsan Port. This was another slap for US intelligence systems that did not notice the ship moving. If they did not notice a 150-meter ship, Years later, the ship appeared again on the edge of the central river of the capital and later allocated it to tourism and to Korean school students (ie, a tourist in the world who goes to North Korea). The sentences are for me if I disagree with him The ship and watch a movie equipped with six languages ​​on the night of the hijacking of the ship and the details of the operation and also see some of the secret documents in the ship and many details .. In the sense: proud to be taken over them) .. The ship to this day is still listed in the list " American "and raised the mandate of" Colorado "US petition to" Obama "early last year to press the" Pyongyang "(capital of KZ) to release the ship and asked him to declare January 23 of each year a national holiday commemorating the anniversary The crew of the ship and its heroic fate (heroic and heroic heroes). The leader of North Korea responded to the demand Wrekin "to retrieve their ship and ferry Besarh said:" This is ridiculous requirement "(Jahm ​​of AAS hee)

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