Message to Donald Trump!

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Message to Donald Trump!

Adham Cherkaoui. Home Country

Mr. Donald Trump, and after greeting:

This is not a message of congratulations, of sufficient congratulatory messages what comes to you! It is not a message allegiance, Vdvdah ......... It is not only, we are people who are fond of talking, and you may never know, and you do not learn very much by the way, we are the only nation in history which created a market for speech, it was our ancestors speak selling in a market Okaz before he discovered America, and like his father. What injustice!

Mr. President:
First of all, I blamed you because you did not Chrcna in your elections, you say to us that of the right of peoples to choose their rulers, then do not Tnadoa us to give our voices! By the way I will vote for you! God and the witness I call on you to win, so that my wife Bchertna Pfozk saying to me: I've won your friend! And of course I will vote for you you do not love you, Vqlba not blind to this degree, but because you sly Exposed on the pond what your heart on your tongue, you do not like a serpent Alrqtae diplomat Hillary! I wanted you to win to show for the national face of America's ugly on your hands.
Nothing ruins the fastest in the states of handing over her for a fool, and I ask God to be a light ruin your covenant, and to be years your judgment on America Ksba lean
I'm a folk Hillary if she told them: Go to hell, you Allatifon! They would have said: Tghazlt us blonde! With you it is different, you are very frank and play short, you say explicitly: We want the Saudi oil, and Saudi Arabia says our friend and then go to knock in the bottom of the nuclear deal with Iran, and launches a herd buildup in Iraq, and dogs Houthi in Yemen! You say explicitly: Muslims are not welcome in America, does not say welcome, and then whisper to the Senate: Give them Justa law! You say explicitly: What is our business and would kill the Syrian people Tdjaleuena not see blood, and says that America's values ​​do not allow massacres of Aleppo and then whisper to Putin: a number gather them and kill them Bdedda! You say explicitly: I am with Israel in all that you do, and I do not say against the settlement and pay them the price of cement, and calls on Israel to show restraint toward Gaza and give them missiles to Iqsvoha!

Mr. President:
Do you know why America chose you? I'll tell you, I chose you because you have a copy of it, Vemoasfatk in any respectable State not only specification head ring! Do not get angry, Valpinh on the accuser! First you colorless culture, and understanding in politics how much they understand Shakira in the theory of relativity, it has Margtk Hillary in Mnazertin, and exposed your ignorance, and despite this you elected! They leaked video clips with sound and picture boasts the harassment of women, and despite this you elected! Proved Thrbak from paying taxes that will ask people to pay, despite this you elected! Your family life exciting for nausea and despite this you elected! Believe me, you are a smaller version for America, an ugly copy of the ugly state still today celebrates the anniversary of dumping nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki without the slightest shred of conscience!

Mr. President:
Tired of masks Varna real American face, and tired of sweet talk Vosamana real word of America, are sick and tired of you feel anxiety and nausea to what happens to us, these symptoms of pregnancy and Ouham not symptoms of a policy, he showed us the real America's feelings toward us, do not be afraid us from disappointment emotional, we know but we want that our rulers are known to be a love affair of one party! We are fed up of trying to show Amsakkm the stick from the middle, Vamskha from the end, and crisp them on our heads publicly wake up!

Mr. President:
Nothing faster in the ruined countries of handing over her for a fool, and I ask God to be a covenant usher in ruin, and be-year judgment on America lean Ksba the people of Egypt time of peace be upon him, be you, and do not allow them to Hiljmuk, Please, Be American without make-up!

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