Why do not laugh when they tickle ourselves?

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Why do not laugh when they tickle ourselves?

Why Tickle make us laugh?
, The nerve endings located down the top layer of the skin or the skin send electrical signals to the brain, where these signals are interpreted on two types because of the reception of two destinations for those signals. Where the somatosensory cortex receives signals and interpreted as pressure, while the frontal cortex of the brain interprets as a pleasant feelings of laughter.
Evolutionary biologists and neuroscientists believe that the Tickle make us laugh because the brain is telling us that we laugh when we saw a light touch. Also, the hypothalamus tells us to expect the sensation of pain when Tickle. Tickle and often succeed by moving the feelings of pleasure in humans when touching sensitive areas have a bottom of the feet and underarms and neck near the throat, as the body takes defensive position for touching these organs anticipated pain.
👈lmama not laugh when they tickle ourselves?
But the important question that is going on in your brain now, why do not laugh when they tickle ourselves? Well, the answer is simpler than you imagine, Vdmagk smarter than that responds to the signal and fake you would expect, so the brain does not waste his time in the interpretation of this expected outcome known signals.
👈 ** Additional Information **
Did you know that the gorilla Baldgdgh feel the same way we feel? The mice also laugh when Dgdgtha but we do not hear the sound of her laugh because chuckling launched by the rats when they laugh off the sound that we heard scale.

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