We knew not work

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We knew not work

This message struck me very much when I read
I wanted to benefit everyone
Ibn al-Qayyim may God have mercy on him, said:
(Perished in the ongoing plague He saw her father in a dream .. He said to her: Tell me Aabnah Hereafter !! she said:
We made a great thing we knew was not working and God's the one to praise or one rak'ah in my newspaper dearer to me than what the minimum ..)
She said the ongoing great words (we knew not work), but many of us did not understand their goal.
🌼kna know we if we say Hallelujah and praise hundred times forgive us our trespasses, though like the foam of the sea (and we go through the days and nights do not say it)
🌼kna know that the two rak'ahs of Duha is sufficient for 360 charity (and we pass days after days pray it does not)
We 🌼okna know that the days of fasting for God voluntarily distanced God's face from the fire seven trenches of God and distanced him from the fire seventy years ()
We 🌼okna know that he returned from sick (ie visited), followed by seventy thousand angels ask forgiveness for his God (not a trace patients this week)
We 🌼okna know that the funeral prayer and followed up to bury him Kiratin wage (and a mountain of Carat) and pass the weeks we did not go to cemeteries
🌼okna know that God, who built a mosque if Qtah Kmvhs (Bird's Nest) God built him a house in Paradise (and did not contribute to the building of mosques, even ten dinars)
🌼okna know that the Courier to the widow and children of the poor Kalmjahid the sake of God and Ksaim day, which does not break and Kqaim nor sleep the whole night (and did not contribute to ensuring that the widow and her children)
We 🌼okna know that he read from the Koran and one character has its good and good ten-fold and did not care to read the Koran day
🌼okna know that an accepted Hajj reward of paradise and reward that Haj is due the day his mother bore him (ie pure white page of sins) was keen to perform Hajj with the easy and soft conditions on us
🌼okna know that insured his honor the night and that the Prophet peace be upon him and his family with his companions did not Afrtoa prayers do all their lives despite their preoccupation Belkmp livelihood and their struggle to spread their religion while we are a big Valtafrat in this topic
🌼okna know that the time is coming no doubt that God sends in the graves did not prepare for this day
🌼okna bury the dead and pray for them and did not strive for this day feels like we have a certificate stating that you are not the intended.
I know my brother and remember beloved sister that every breath we breathe term brings us closer to the inevitable (death) and we still have fun and play and have fun.
It is time of this moment to change our lifestyle and be prepared to prepare optimized for Judgment Day (Day one flees from his brother and his mother and father and was accompanied by his sons and each one of them that day would hardly need)

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