Shop couples

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Shop couples

In one of the cities was the opening of a shop selling couples where women can go to choose between her husband Bnevshaomin instructions
Placed in the entrance of the store about the work style: that women have the opportunity to enter once to shop!
They can choose from a floor or go to another floor above it, but it can not go down to the bottom.
One of the women entered the (store) to choose her husband
At the entrance to the first floor sign:
Men here have a job and believe in God
At the entrance to the second floor sign:
Men here have a job and have faith in God and love their children
At the entrance to the third floor sign:
Men here have a job and have faith in God and love their children and their shape attractive
The woman was thinking 'wow, but I will continue to rise'
I arrived to the fourth floor to find the sign:
Men here have a job and have faith in God and love their children and their shape attractive and helping spouses in the business.
Vtjpt in the longing itself
'Oh my God I can not then I agree endurance'
But it continued to rise
At the entrance to the fifth floor and found a sign:
Men here have a job and have faith in God and love their children and their shape them attractive and romantic high susceptibility to flirt always spouses.
And almost set foot on that floor, but he continued to climb
At the entrance to the sixth floor and found a sign:
You are visitor number 4,566,789
There is no man on this floor because the floor was found specifically as proof that women can not Aarzaahn Thank you for shopping at
Couples shop and be careful of your steps and you're out, and we wish you a happy day ..

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