Story of magnificence and very impressive

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Story of magnificence and very impressive

It is said that a young pious poor intensified by hunger!
Over the apple orchard
And eat an apple until he went hunger
And when he returned to his home
It began the same blame him
So I went looking for the owner of the garden
And he said to him:
Yesterday was my hunger great amount and ate an apple from your garden without your knowledge and that I am today with your permission ..
The owner of the garden said to him:
God does not forgive you, but I _khasimk the Day of Judgment when God
It begged to forgive him but it increased with determination and went and left. But right up to his house, he entered and left the young man when he left the house waiting for the Asr prayer ..
When he came out he found the young man still standing
he said to him :
My uncle I am ready to work peasants have without pay .. but forgive me ..!
he told him :
Forgive but only!
To marry my daughter
But ,, blind and deaf and dumb ,, ,, and also crippled Do not walk the agreed forgave ..
He said to him: Accept your daughter!
The man said to him:
Days after your marriage when he came was lumbered paced, sad-hearted ..
Knock on the door and entered, said he prefers Login to your spouse
If a girl more beautiful than the moon, and has walked to him and handed him I understood what is going on in his mind, and said:
I am blind from looking at the Grand ..
And dumb to say the Grand ..
And deaf from listening to the Sacred ..
And crippled my legs are not taking a step to the Sacred.
And dad looking to me for a righteous husband when I approached him to ask his permission apple and crying for her father said that it is afraid of eating an apple does not solve it ..
It behooves him to fear God in my daughter congratulations to me your husband and congratulations to my father Bnspk
A year later, she gave birth to a boy, this girl ..
Was one of the few who have passed on this nation Do you know that the boy ???
Imam Abu Hanifa

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